“Hey Siri, Play Me Something I’d Like!” Ecophenomenology of Fashion in Spike Jonze’s Fashion Film


  • Adriano D’Aloia Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”



Parole chiave:

Fashion Film, Spike Jonze, Media Ecology, Media Enaction, Embodied Cognition


Based on a theoretical framework that combines media studies, fashion studies and philosophy of mind, this contribution adopts an “enactive” perspective to analyse the relationship between audiovisual media and fashion. The application of the enactive approach highlights the centrality of the interaction between body, space and technology in the construction of the media experience intended as an extension of human physical and mental limits. The analysis of two recent fashion films by the American director Spike Jonze – Kenzo World for Kenzo and Welcome Home for Apple – will contribute to clarifying the ways in which the combination of dance, music, fashion, advertising and film narration can give life to enactive media experiences.

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Come citare

D’Aloia, A. (2020). “Hey Siri, Play Me Something I’d Like!” Ecophenomenology of Fashion in Spike Jonze’s Fashion Film. ZoneModa Journal, 10(1S), 99–113. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2611-0563/10557