Be Cool, Be Responsible, Buy Responsibly: Bihor Couture VS Christian Dior, a Case Study


  • Dominika Czakon Jagiellonian University in Kraków
  • Monika Mazur-Bubak Cracow University of Economics


Parole chiave:

Bihor Couture, Cultural Appropriation, Phenomenological Theory of Art, Corporate Social Responsibility, Creating Shared Values


In the article, referring to the Bihor vs. Dior case study, we criticize the phenomenon of illegitimate borrowing of the achievements of a given culture by corporations which we consider an act of cultural appropriation, in terms of both aesthetics and business ethics. We also describe the potential for a positive solution to the problems of cultural borrowing. The first part of our analysis is based on Roman Ingarden’s phenomenological theory of art, concerning artistic and aesthetic qualities and artistic and aesthetic values. Our analysis consists of the juxtaposition of two works, i.e., traditional clothing from the region of Bihor and clothing referring to this original, presented in the Dior collection, along with an indication and comparison of the associated qualities and values. In the second part of the article, we analyze the Bihor vs. Dior case from the point of view of the contemporary concepts of CSR (corporate social responsibility) and CSV (creating shared values). We indicate that the case under discussion is an example of bad corporate practices and irresponsible borrowing of the achievements of a given culture. At the same time, we state why, from an ethical point of view, it is worth returning to the use of local suppliers and small local craft businesses.

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Come citare

Czakon, D., & Mazur-Bubak, M. (2020). Be Cool, Be Responsible, Buy Responsibly: Bihor Couture VS Christian Dior, a Case Study. ZoneModa Journal, 10(1S), 83–98.