The Celebration of Heritage in Soviet Fashion: the Case of the Perm Fashion House


  • Iuliia Papushina National Research University Higher School of Economics, Perm
  • Roman Abramov National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow


Parole chiave:

Soviet Past, Fashion Industry, Heritage, Folk-Based Style, Late Socialism


The USSR created the largest system of fashion design in the Socialist world, but regional Soviet fashion houses have not attracted much attention from social science. This paper examines the cases of two designers from the Perm Fashion House and their experiments with heritage in fashion design. These designers can be viewed as representatives of different approaches to the application of traditional costume heritage in Soviet fashion. The findings of the paper reveals Soviet state legitimized limited part of the Pre-Revolution Russian cultural heritage namely  folk decorative motifs and applied arts disregarding other kinds of heritage as sources for designers’ inspiration. In the Late Socialism period folk-inspired design was the top-down initiative promoted in design colleges, fashion magazines, but not available for mass production. The results also shows the designers creating collections for an inner market had more freedom than the ones designed for international trade events.

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Come citare

Papushina, I., & Abramov, R. (2018). The Celebration of Heritage in Soviet Fashion: the Case of the Perm Fashion House. ZoneModa Journal, 8(1), 167–182.