Nuovi percorsi della moda tra globale e locale. Dai grandi centri alla disseminazione culturale del fashion system


  • Valeria Iannilli Politecnico di Milano
  • Vittorio Linfante Politecnico di Milano



network, exhibit, creative industries, fashion branding, fashion shows


Fashion is increasingly manifested as a phenomenon, both local and global, capable of reflecting not only different styles but also different identities and cultures. This phenomenon has redesigned contemporary geography composed of a proliferation of cultural, productive and education-related epicentres. Geographical areas in which fashion is created, produced, communicated, sold and, above all, valued as a cultural asset: we assist, thanks also to the rise of the digital world, to the globalisation of local realities that define new trajectories between multiple fashion capitals. New paths are also determined by the consolidated companies in the sector, which become nomadic, creating itinerant fashion weeks: presentations of collections that not only search for unusual and spectacular places but that recover and enhance workmanship, materials and places of different cultures and traditions.
The text, starting from a geographical history (or historical geography) of fashion, intends to investigate the dialogue between local and global, from the places where it was born and developed, to the excellences that have developed within a specific geographical, historical, social, productive and cultural context.


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How to Cite

Iannilli, V., & Linfante, V. (2019). Nuovi percorsi della moda tra globale e locale. Dai grandi centri alla disseminazione culturale del fashion system. ZoneModa Journal, 9(2), 141–165.