Atlante disciplinare della decostruzione. Dalla filosofia alla moda


  • Pietro Terzi Fondazione Collegio San Carlo / Université Paris Nanterre



Derrida, Deconstruction, Fashion, Deconstructionism, Philosophy


Playing on the double meaning of the expression “from philosophy to fashion”, this article pursues two objectives: on the one hand, it briefly defines the concept of deconstruction within the philosophy of Jacques Derrida (1930-2004), investigating its proper meaning and trying to understand the reasons that led to its success, beyond the expectations of Derrida himself; secondly, it illustrates the various trajectories along which deconstruction has gradually transformed into a “fashion”, that is, a method applicable in different disciplinary sectors. Then, we will try to provide a sort of “disciplinary atlas” of deconstruction, without worrying about philological orthodoxies, but trying to understand the effects produced by such a notion. The examined areas, which are particularly paradigmatic, will be mainly literary criticism, architecture, media theory, pop culture and, finally, to better substantiate the expression “from philosophy to fashion”, fashion itself , with specific attention for Margiela and the Antwerp school.


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How to Cite

Terzi, P. (2020). Atlante disciplinare della decostruzione. Dalla filosofia alla moda. ZoneModa Journal, 10(1), 1–14.