Fashionable Scenarios for Urban Tourism Practices: Fashion Cities and Space Redefinition


  • Maria Skivko Samara National Research University


Parole chiave:

Fashionable Scenarios, Urban Tourism Practices, Fashion Cities, Space Redefinition, Russian Tourism


This research explores the opportunities of tourism practices to answer fashion ideas and trends by reconsidering urban spaces and creating fashionable content. Moreover, it denotes the fashion input in tourism spaces and redefines spaces that were transformed due to the fashionable scenarios. Special attention will be given to the changes, possibilities and limitations, in both industries due to the pandemic of COVID-19. The case study methodology will be based on the reflection on the Russian tourism industry. By investigating the changes in tourism offers due to fashion trends influence, it will become possible to define key factors of fashion and tourism collaboration and space redefinition.
Three ideas unify trends in the fashion and tourism industries today: i) Space redefinition -  the ways to explore new tourism destinations and migration flows of tourists and fashion consumers who redefine spaces for fashionable practices; ii) collaborative instruments - new content for tourism practices complement the fashion industry to receive profits, benefits, followers, and inputs; for tourism industry, the fashionable scenarios bring city and place marketing and establish new touristic highlights and fashion capitals; iii) time perspective - the shift from mass tourism and overtourism to slow tourism practices and new experiences.

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Come citare

Skivko, M. (2021). Fashionable Scenarios for Urban Tourism Practices: Fashion Cities and Space Redefinition. ZoneModa Journal, 11(2), 43–54.