Le celebrità adolescenti e la Disney. La moda da stereotipo pedagogico a presa di coscienza divistica


  • Gabriele Landrini Università La Sapienza di Roma




Teenager, Celebrity, Fashion, Disney, Stardom


Since the first years of the new millennium, the entertainment industry has often dealt with teenage stardom. Proposing original but serialized icons, a large number of young female performers invaded the show business taking a moralist shape and making use of candid representation. Seeking an idea of fashion constructed on their identity, this work analyzes modern teenage star power focusing on the evolution from Disney to the adult entertainment business. Studying the television and cinema productions, the appearances on the red carpet and their presence on the social networks, the essay focuses on three emblematic stars who embody this transformation: Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato. The first analysis concerns their debut in the Disney universe; though following different paths, in the past these starlets sold their lifestyles to the rules of the major. At first, Miley Cyrus used to wear childish clothes, such as bizarre costumes totally inappropriate to her young age. Selena Gomez respected the canon of the company, trying to experiment more elegant and mature dresses too. Demi Lovato chose glitzy arrays, corresponding to the Disney code. The second focus investigates the latter stylistic choices made by the actresses, after the Disney departure. Miley Cyrus voluntarily became a victim of the fashion fail by exasperating the sexual elements. Contrarily, Selena Gomez tried to imitate the Golden Age of Hollywood recreating the old fashion styles of the 50s divas, such as Rita Hayworth and Greta Garbo. Demi Lovato never completed her evolution from the Disney canon, failing to create a mature and coherent self-representation. Starting from this particular case study, this essay tries to analyze the transformation of the young idols, seeking to research recurring elements of the relation between fashion and teenage stardom.


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How to Cite

Landrini, G. (2017). Le celebrità adolescenti e la Disney. La moda da stereotipo pedagogico a presa di coscienza divistica. ZoneModa Journal, 7(1), 101–113. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2611-0563/7525