Uniformization in the Digital Age
Fashion and Uniformity, Fashion and Media, Postmodern Trends, Sartorial Network, Digital CultureAbstract
This paper introduces the concept of uniformization within the theoretical framework of sartorial networks. The model of sartorial networks deals with self-organized vestimentary cultures and is designed to analyze spatiotemporal dynamics of persistence and innovation in the field of postmodern vestimentary fashions, in particular in the Digital Age. It is derived from interdisciplinary research within the tension field of fashion, media, communication and network studies. Postmodern trend pluralism is often linked to mass individualization, whereby groups or individuals are unable to articulate either their shared identity or distinction by means of sartorial practices in the media-infused culture of style bricolage and trend revivals. In contrast to these theoretical positions defining fashion in terms of differentiation and time/innovation, the approach suggested in this paper empathizes the aspects of uniformity/similarity and the importance of spatial stabilization within the framework of the fashion mechanism. Uniformization will be described as a process of connecting individuals in space through similarity. Using examples of contemporary everyday fashion trends, it will be shown that bottom-up organized networks of uniformity can emerge as unplanned structures undermining norms, regulations, or dictates, and producing recognizable patterns of conformity based on scattered activity of several participants with equal agency.
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