Fashion Retail Experience Transformations Informing New Design Approaches and Tools for Managing Technological Integration and Value Creation Through Retail Experience Design
Fashion Product System, Retail Experience Design, Design Tools, Customer Experience, Consumer PracticesAbstract
This work synthesizes research on transformations happening in fashion retail experience design aimed at a broad understanding of changings in contemporary consumer practices, and complex entanglements and interrelations between different actors participating in the fashion retail experience design process. First, an exploration of the evolution of experience definition is presented, secondly, major transformations in retail customer experience are described, organised by the following overarching topics: retail experience designed to empower brand engagement; retail experience influenced by communities and collaborative media; retail experience as a conjunction between brands and urban environment; retail experience aimed at communication and services offering. Fourth paragraph presents: how in the present research, major transformations detected are informing the future work on a transdisciplinary framework for professionals working in the fashion retail experience design; the reflections on the new requirements for designers working in the retail experience design; a retail experience design tools’ map highlighting the disciplines from which each tool originates and the overlapping between them through the design process phases.
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